As we shared in March, spring will be a busy season for the team here at Dargan Landscape Architects! Mary Palmer and Hugh Dargan are hitting the road this month for appearances at various events throughout the South. Their upcoming appearances include the Memphis to Milano Flower Show in Memphis, Tenn., April 5-6; the Little Garden Club of Birmingham’s Ribbons of Green event in Birmingham, Ala., April 7-9; and The Garden Club of Charleston’s 79th Annual Walking Tour of Private Houses & Gardens in Charleston, S.C., April 11-12.
We hope you’ll join us at one of these great gardening events. We’ve included more information on each event below:

Memphis to Milano Flower Show, Memphis, Tenn., April 5-6
Mary Palmer will be judging the horticulture and conservation exhibitions at this free and open to the public garden event to be held at the Dixon Gallery and Gardens in Memphis. The show’s purpose is to exhibit outstanding horticulture, conservation, floral interpretations of fine art and photography, as well as to allow youth to participate in an educational exhibit. Show hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, April 5, and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, April 6. For more information, check out the event booklet.

Little Garden Club of Birmingham’s Ribbons of Green event, Birmingham, Ala., April 7-9
Delegates from Florida, South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama will convene for a general business meeting of the Garden Club of America, where Mary Palmer will be judging horticulture and conservation exhibits.

The Garden Club of Charleston’s 79th Annual Walking Tour of Private Houses & Gardens, Charleston, S.C., April 11-12
Mary Palmer and Hugh Dargan will be signing their books at 11:30 a.m. on April 11. Come have your copy signed and then enjoy the tour where you can see several of the historic Charleston gardens they’ve designed. The tour features some of the finest houses and gardens in Charleston’s historic district, as well as flower arrangements by club members.
The cost is $45, and hours are 2 to 5 p.m. on both Saturday, April 11, and Sunday, April 12. Proceeds benefit the garden club’s ongoing projects, including maintaining the gardens at the Manigault House, the Heyward-Washington House, the Gateway Walk, the Healing Garden at MUSC, the Museum Courtyard Garden and the garden at the Historic Confederate Home. Visit The Garden Club of Charleston’s website for more details.
We hope to see you on the road! Visit the Events page of our website to keep up with Hugh and Mary Palmer Dargan’s upcoming appearances! Future events include the Southeaster Flower Show “Showing & Growing;” the Memphis Master Gardeners meeting; and the grand opening of Dovecote to name a few!