![The History of Early English Gardens](https://dargan.com/wp-content/uploads/EnglishGardens-image2-300x212.jpg)
My first book features the original garden books and illustrations from medieval times to the 1800s. If you’re an Anglophile – this book is for you! Order it here for $20.
Create Nourishing Flourishing Home Utopias
My first book features the original garden books and illustrations from medieval times to the 1800s. If you’re an Anglophile – this book is for you! Order it here for $20.
Location, location, location. It’s the single-most important factor in real estate, not only because of proximity to work, schools and other requisites, but because of the natural views and surroundings. What many do not consider, however, that location can be a pretense. With the right landscaping, you can build in your own views to enjoy from inside and outside your home.
Landscapes can be designed with fantastic focal points and gorgeous features that not only catch the eye and add interest, but create naturally beautiful views and vistas. Are your landscape views lackluster? Here are some great things to consider as you start thinking of how your landscape might benefit from a new design with built-in backdrops:
Take lots of pictures as you survey your property and its views and vistas. These will come in handy as you dig into the first phase of the design process. A great trick is to overlay photos with tracing paper depicting sketches of possible new plans to visualize, experiment and play with different options as you discover what will work and look best.
Need a little professional help to amp up your views and vistas? Dargan Landscape Architects can help you create and implement a brand new, custom design with stunning views. Contact us to learn more.
Join me for a workshop on April 24 and again on May 15 – learn how to design a sustainable garden.
Click here for more information – and to buy your tickets.
Right On, Mother Earth News Fair. From planetary awareness in 1970’s, to being the most hip and cool thing in sustainable home environments today, you rock!
This weekend, 18-20,000 showed up in Asheville NC for 2 days of back-to-back lectures about sustainable living and all its components: permaculture/sustainable gardening, housing alternatives, energy efficient cars and really, really good food.
Last year chickens were hot, this year worms, and next year goats are predicted to rock the charts.
I remember when Mother Earth news debuted and mesmerized a particular granola-eating, intellectual, alternative lifestyle ’70s student. (That would be me). The hip and cool, bi-monthly magazine took me by the hand into the realm of renewable energy, clean water, clean air, sprouting, homemade bread, environmental awareness and women’s rights. I learned I could have my cake and eat it too; and thanks to Mother Earth News, that cake would be organic!
Yes, I think retiring boomers are shaping the sustainable gardening/permaculture movement in America. Does this matter to you? If so, read on.
Mary Palmer Dargan appeared at the Mother Earth News fair last weekend — and gave a workshop on Permaculture. Here’s some highlights:
Part 2:
Contact us to kick things off. This will be more fun than you think!
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