When practices and traditions are sustained for thousands of years, it’s a safe bet there’s a good reason why. In the case of aromatherapy, the ancient form of alternative medicine is known to benefit the mind, mood, cognitive function, and overall health.
What is Aromatherapy?
Aromatherapy is a time-proven type of alternative medicine that uses aromatic plant compounds and essential oils to lift a person’s mood and improve their health and quality of life. What’s more, the scents involved in aromatherapy can greatly help those who suffer from interrupted or poor quality of sleep. For example, neuroscientists have discovered that the rose scent can reduce sleep disturbances. Since ancient times, mankind has utilized fragrances from nature for many purposes and continues to do so to this day.
How does it Work?
When essential oils are used and inhaled, the part of the brain connected to smell is stimulated. Known as the olfactory system, this part of the brain sends a message to the limbic system, which retrieves our stored memories and controls our emotions. The resulting chemicals released by the brain cause the patient to feel relaxed and calm, or even invigorated! Essential oils can be used to target our sense of smell, but they can also be applied internally and topically to yield different beneficial results.
What are Common Uses for Aromatherapy?
While the process of aromatherapy might not work for everyone, the list of ailments it can help with is quite impressive. Here are just a few: anxiety, stress, insomnia, body aches, headaches, and muscular aches. Also, aromatherapy can help with pesky issues including circulation, digestive, menstrual, and menopausal problems. The risks of aromatherapy are low unless you suffer from certain types of allergies or illnesses.
As licensed and experienced landscape architects, we have the expertise you need to create your very own relaxing oasis, filled with aromatic flowers that can enhance your quality of life. Contact us to discuss your plans today.