April showers are bringing May flowers, as well as many fabulous opportunities to catch presentations from Mary Palmer and Hugh Dargan of Dargan Landscape Architects. Here are the upcoming events where Mary Palmer and Hugh will be sharing valuable gardening and landscape design tips, tricks and techniques.

The Garden Show in Buckhead: This weekend, April 25-27, the historical Buckhead Theatre in Atlanta will be blooming with renowned horticulture speakers, accomplished chefs, floral designers and a colorful marketplace among other fantastic speakers and exhibits. “Showing & Growing” is this year’s theme for the event presented by the Southeastern Horticulture Society. Mary Palmer and Hugh will debut their miniature gardens at the event, as well as celebrating Mary Palmer’s birthday from 4-5 pm on the 26th. Tickets for The Garden Show in Buckhead are available online.

Wealthy Thought Leader 3-Day Business Training & Gold Mentorship: Business owners will be gathering in Austin, TX the weekend of May 1-4 to learn the business practices, philosophies, strategies and techniques to grow their business and achieve success through a thriving company.

Memphis Master Gardeners Meeting: This spring fling on May 8 will feature an impressive lineup of gardening experts and authors dedicated to helping property owners spring forward with gorgeous, lush landscapes. Among other notable speakers, Mary Palmer will deliver a presentation on “Lifelong Landscape Design: Gardens for Health & Longevity.”

2014 Purdue Master Gardener Conference: This program on June 14 is sure to please as Indiana master gardeners gather to enjoy keynote speakers, breakout sessions, private and public garden tours, contests, a silent auction and a beautiful banquet. Mary Palmer will be giving a lecture, after which she’ll be available for book signings.

Dovecote Grand Opening: Located in Cashiers, NC, this venue was carefully designed to become a source of inspiration and hands-on learning for gardeners of all levels through lectures and workshops. June 27-28 will be the grand opening event to launch the space into its first summer. Don’t miss Mary Palmer’s talk about how to make your own Bitters, as well as the spectacular rock pieces by sculptor Carl Peverall. Jeff Zahner of Chattooga Gardners and John Warren of Natural Landscapes will also be presenting fascinating talks on gardening and landscaping.
To stay up-to-date with the gardening events that Mary Palmer and Hugh are looking forward to this summer, keep track of our events page. If you’re interested in working with Mary Palmer, Hugh and the rest of our landscape architecture and design team to transform your own landscape, contact Dargan Landscape Architects online, or call 404-231-3889.