Augusta Garden Classic: Camellias, Azaleas,Foxgloves on April 26

Create Nourishing Flourishing Home Utopias
7pm Tuesday, May 3 Atlanta Symphony Decorator Showhouse Connoisseur Series
6:30 wine & cheese, transportation from upper IBM parking lot on 4111 Northside ParkwayAtlanta, Georgia 30327 begins at 6pm.
$25 includes tour of the spectacular showhouse. (404) 733-4864 ( or just catch bus and pay at door, no reservation necessary)
Offering useful landscape tips for any size property, any style of home or age group or income bracket, Mary Palmer is know for animated lectures on landscape design. Tonight she will discuss the language of the land and how man has traditionally divided his home landscape into four parts: the approach and arrival sequence, hub, perimeter and destinations, and passages.
Tips include how to enhance your property value…forever…by working out the seamless relationships between the classic four parts.
Dargan Landscape Architects has specialized in the fine art of landscape design since 1973. decoratorsshowhouse.org/index.php?id=connoisseur-series
Book signing to follow.
It took 250 craftsmen and experts, to transform this property known as Lotus House, over a year’s period.
All proceeds from the Decorators’ Show House & Gardens benefit Atlanta Symphony Orchestra
Horray for the tenors, the sopranos and the full chorus!The Southeastern Flower Show opened last night to the full compliment of bugles and drums.Music filled the air as the Mary and Felton Norwod, co-chairs of the 24th annual event, pulled out all the stops. The show theme is In Tune with Blooms and will keep you humming all spring. Located in Atlanta,GA’s Cobb Galleria, an easily reached destination with free parking, the flower show appeals to all comers. This special opportunity to see a JURIED flower show, a rarity in the world of mass-market home shows, tips the scales. Large landscape exhibits and discovery teaching and environmental exhibits will tantilize you to start new spring projects in your garden.
Every plant entered is scrutinized for its proper botanical name. Any “moving violations” (bugs!) noted, treated and removed before passing onto the show floor. Seasoned experts from 22 states reviewed the hundreds of anonymous entries and award ribbons and trophies. Daffodils, hyacinths, quince, azaleas, african violets, herbs, cactus, bonsai and many more botanical treats await you. Hellebores alone had over 30 entries.
Not only flowers, but a stellar juried Photography exhibit awaits your view and the highly vetted Shopping Mart will loosen the purse strings. The Artistic Floral exhibits include niches with musical themes, large mass arrangements, windowboxes, doorways and a host of smaller classes of stunning entries in the fine art of flower arranging. Those are a Wow on their own!
Honor Awards received last night included the Franklinia Award to Caroline ( Mrs, Harry) Gilham, former show chair and board member, for her contributions to the Southeastern Horticultural Society. The Cherokee Garden Library, a project of Cherokee Garden Club (GCA) located at the Atlanta History Center, received the highest award for its contribution to Southern Garden History. Pictured is Cherokee member, Terri Bond putting finishing touches on the stage set of the library’s public face at the show. The “lamp shade” is decorated with antique musical manuscripts from redundant hymnals.
Tips on how to produce a winning entry. On a personal note, Hugh and I exhibit regularly at the SFS and even sponsor a landscape trophy. It is easy to enter and fun to win. Cut specimens are brought from our garden into the kitchen; the stems not quite in bloom sit in a vase on a heating pad, others sit in the refridgerator to preserve the blossoms. It is easier to slow them down than to speed them up! Hellebore stems are seared in very hot water for a few seconds to seal and release the air lock to promote turgidity and freshness. Judges are usually generous with awards, so if your precious pet is in mint condition (no blemishes on the leaves, no torn petals), bring it to the party! Our family garners lots of bride’s maids (whites), but occasionally we manage to win a blue. This year it was for a Texas Ebony, a tropical 6″ bonsai; my first really small pet. Please come visit it and the many other worthy entries in Ultimately Small, a new class from homes with small spaces.
Let the Show BEGIN!!!
Gollly wolly, I’m in digital hyperspace with whistles and bells, links and connectivity. Our first newsletter is going to press! The 4800 images of landscapes are linked for subscribers. We announce the upcoming Oct 2011 Winghaven Symposium and design studio with Jennifer Bartley. Plus we’ll have gift certificates available for 2 hr consultations packaged with a book for holiday giving. Whew. Oh yes, I sent Fiskars a “help my broken tool request” and within four days the part arrived… FREE! Happy Holidays, MP
Contact us to kick things off. This will be more fun than you think!
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