Landscape Your Life, Design Your Environment & Nourish Your Soul.
PS: Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe now to Timeless Landscape Design. iTunes | Android | Stitcher | TuneIn | Google Play
015 Sprouting for Health: Crop.Store.Share. (part 7 of 8)
Hello Out There. I’m all about nutrition and cost-effective ways to keep healthy. Enjoy this free 8-part course on Sprouting for Health! ( Parts 1-2) Why. What. How. ( Parts 3-4) Soak. Incubate. Rinse. (Parts 5-6) Plant. Incubate.Rack. (Parts 7-8) Crop. Store. Share.
Why I SPROUT??? : Hugh and I sprout seeds & legumes in our home for health and good eatin’!
Facts: Sprouts are packed with phytonutrients, phytochemicals, terpines and sesquiterpenes. Found in sprouted foods, these biochemical properties inhibit toxin accumulation, are anti inflammatory and antiseptic, among other benefits . Our bodies crave the nutrition found in sprouts! Podcast 009 is the introduction to this lecture series.
Enjoy learning about sprouts! You don’t need a green thumb to grow sprouts and leafy greens. I’ll go over all the details in the 8 podcasts, plus share recipes and a list of supplies.
Topics in this episode:
. Storing your sprouts
. my favorite green drink recipe
. making salad dressings

Please enjoy the gallery of gardens on our website! https://dargan.com
Hugh & Mary Palmer Dargan, aslas
What is Timeless Landscape Design : The Garden Talk Salon?
AKA juicy nuggets of garden design brought to you by a think-tank of horticulturists, floral designers, sculptors and designers.
Welcome to The Garden Talk Salon! This is Mary Palmer Dargan and I’m mixin’ up recipes to landscape your life. After a long day of work, I need the garden to nourish my mind, body and soul. How’s yours workin’ for ya’? Let’s design your landscape to fit your lifestyle like a glove.
Enjoy Chirps from the Field, our version of show notes, which are loaded with models for visual learners…after all, the spoken word can do just so much!
Share with a friend. May we enjoy many a good garden adventure together.
Hugh and I are licensed landscape architects who migrated in 1997 to Cashiers in the western North Carolina mountains. Hugh Dargan & I purchased Dovecote in 2012 as our landscape architectural offices. For 2 decades, we’d created gardens at Highcote in High Hampton, now featured in our health care garden design primer, Lifelong Landscape Design and written the best-selling landscape design book, Timeless Landscape Design : The Four Part Master Plan.
LIttle Dovecote needed everything. Forget it serving as our office HQ; we enjoyed this historic 1929 farmhouse so much that it became our permanent home. The best part about Dovecote is its context: the quaint, small and historic domestic structure, unused barn, future sculpture meadow and woodland path to the lake.
Many of our podcasts are live events. Each summer season, we host Friday lectures at Dovecote Gardens, our organic teaching gardens. Contemporary Stonehenge is now in the meadow and features atmospheric stone sculptures by artist, Carl Peverall.
On Friday mornings, 10 am-noon, from Mothers Day to Labor Day, we hold The Garden Talk Salon. The brightest and most informed experts appear and share their stories about plants, design, cooking or nature.
Find Dovecote at 35 Flash Point Drive (aka McKinney Way), Cashiers, NC 28717.
What’s in it for you ?
Your home environment can fit your lifestyle like a glove.
My lifelong mission is to “Heal The Earth One Garden at a Time”.
Now is the time to take your garden to school.
Don’t miss the inaugural episodes of Taming Tricky Places: Timeless Landscape Design. Our first 3 podcasts introduce why a master plan is important, and better yet, how to create one in 4 parts that will make your home environment fit your lifestyle like a glove.
This is visual learning at its best.
A bonus awaits of videos with useful action steps. and Live Garden Talk Salons (GTS) videos reduced by magic into smaller bits.
So these first three podcasts are hot off the press from Tricky Places, my next garden design book.
What else is in store ?
. Timeless Landscape Design guides everything we do at Dovecote. You’ll take home useful action steps to improve and organize your own home environment.
. Lifelong Landscape Design: Environments for Health & Longevity peppers its concepts to keep the podcast pace lively. Action steps are provided to transform your home environment into an oasis of health, healing and inspiration.
. Interviews with my favorite healthy garden gurus await you. They often introduce one of our courses.
. Free courses to dip in – or binge thru- as you wish.
Be sure to subscribe and not miss an episode of The Garden Talk Salon!
Hugh & Mary Palmer Dargan, aslas