There are typically two kinds of landscapes: those that observe the trends of the time and those that are designed timelessly so they remain functional and beautiful for decade after decade. Here at Dargan Landscape Architects, we design the latter. Our work, including the release of our popular book, Timeless Landscape Design, is dedicated to helping homeowners and businesses design landscapes that “fit like a glove” and improve the health of the property and surrounding community.

Learn the Art of Timeless Landscape Design with Mary Palmer Dargan at Williamsburg Garden Festival
As a result of my approach to sustainable landscape architecture, I have the privilege of traveling all over the country and speaking about my passion for healing the planet one garden at a time. Up next, I’m honored to be a keynote speaker at the Williamsburg Garden Festival and Symposium, sponsored by the Garden Club of Virginia. The event takes place February 2 – 4, 2015 at the Williamsburg Lodge at Colonial Williamsburg.
Attending this special event will place you in one of the nation’s most interesting locations, loaded with history and artifacts as well as celebrated locations for shopping and dining. Plus, you’ll be able to hear other inspiring and renowned speakers ranging from experts on natural health and healing remedies to chefs, landscape historians, and more.
My portion of the symposium will focus on how you can create a home landscape design that works in the current moment and can be easily evolved to suit your future needs. I draw on more than 40 years experience as a botanist, professor and author – as well as my day job, professional landscape architecture and design.
I will cover a range of topics including:
- How to heal your soil, using healthful principles that promote – rather than inhibit – the essential flora, fauna and fungi required to grow a sustainable and low-maintenance landscape.
- The importance of considering your landscape additions and subtractions in terms of how they affect your home, your neighbors, the community and the planet.
- Keeping a long-view so your landscape design can evolve with the needs and wants of your household.
For more information on this event, you can find additional information at the Williamsburg Lodge at Colonial Williamsburg site for the Garden Club of Virginia. Contact Dargan Landscape Architects for all your landscape and gardening needs.